7 Stamping Techniques You NEED to know.

Today I am sharing with you 7 different stamping techniques you need know that will help you in your scrapbooking and card making.

I use all these techniques regularly in my stamping to enhance my pages and cards.

1. Solid Stamping

Solid stamping is just what is says it is. Stamping a solid image onto your page or card.

It is also sometimes called 1st generation stamping.

To get an even coverage when stamping, I use the squishy side of my VersaMat™ or the squishy mat that comes with all our stamps.

2. 2nd Generation Stamping

This stamping technique is when you stamp your image down once, then without re-inking the stamp you stamp it down again.

It produces a lighter version of your stamped image and I like to use this technique for creating backgrounds for my scrapbook pages.

If you stamped your image again without re-inking it a third time. This is called 3rd generation stamping and this will give you an even lighter version of your image.

3. Random Stamping

Random stamping is probably one of the easiest techniques as the name suggests, you stamp your image randomly over your page or card.

I use this when creating a unique background and it can be done in Solid (1st), 2nd or 3rd generation stamping.

4. String and Block Stamping

This stamping technique is great for adding texture to page or card or to create texture to a shape.

What you need to do is wrap a piece of string around a My Acrylix® Block a few times and tie a knot on top to secure it in place.

Then, you just stamp like you would when doing solid stamping. There are so many different ways to add this to your page or card.

5. Rock and Roll Stamping

Rock and Roll stamping can create a two toned look or a multi coloured look to your image.

The technique is where you stamp your image on your lightest colour first as you would if you were doing solid stamping however…

You then bring in your darker colour and roll your image around the edge of the stamp to create that 2 toned look or multi coloured look.

6. Ombre Stamping

Ombre Stamping is very similar to Rock and Roll Stamping, however with this technique you are creating an effect where the colours goes from one to another.

To create this effect, stamp your lightest colour first on one half of your image and then stamp the remaining half in your other colour.

I enjoy using this technique sometimes to add some different dimension to my pages.

7. Masking

Masking is probably one of the most recognisable techniques when stamping.

This technique is used when you only want to stamp some of an image or you want to have some of the image in a different colour.

It involves covering up the part that you don’t want to show using another piece of paper.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the stamping techniques that you need to know and I use these techniques in my crafting.

Check out my video here or on YouTube as I show you step by step how to do each of the techniques. (Be sure to hit Subscribe while you’re over there to see future videos)

I’d love to hear if you have tried any of these, so feel free to leave me a comment.

If you don’t have an Australian Close to My Heart Consultant please contact me either on this blog or via my website HERE.

Before I go…

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Please don’t forget to add a little sparkle to your day!


Close To My Heart Independent Consultant

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